I found a great product that I want to share, but first here are a few facts.
1. Did you know that approximately 700 million plastic bottles end up in landfills every year?
2. Did you know that each 1.5 liter bottle recycled saves enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 6 hours.
Both really good reasons to recycle.
3. Finally, did you know that recycling a bottle can add clothing to your closet?
Recently, Coca-Cola started a campaign called 'Drink 2 Wear'. As part of it, the company unveiled t-shirts made from plastic bottles and cotton.

Walmart is sells these shirts. According to their website, if every customer, that's 200 million people, purchased just one recycled t-shirt, we could keep 21,000 tons of plastic waste out of landfills - enough to cover 9 football fields.
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