Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy President's Day

President's Day...may not mean much to the average person, but to weather fanatics it means, The President's Day Storm, or The Blizzard of 2003. So here's a look back at one of the most historical snow storms to ever hit the East Coast.
My personal twist on the story...I was a freshman in college when the storm struck and I remember being off of school for days. That was very uncommon for my school because I don't think they had ever canceled classes before.
Here's some statistics...
- It lasted from February 14 to the 19, 2003.
- It produced record-breaking snow totals from Washington DC to Boston.
- It caused over $14 million in damages and over 20 people died from the storm.
- Many school districts were closed for at least a week.
- It really was a crippling storm, especially with transportation.
- Washington DC's Reagan National Airport, BWI, Philly, and LaGuardia in NYC were all completely shut down.
The snow started falling locally on the 16th. Heavy snow was reported falling at rates of up to 4 inches an hour! It was Baltimore's biggest snowstorm on record with 28.2 inches of snow. In Garrett County, Maryland, which is in the far western portion of the state, up to 36 inches of snow fell. Washington DC was also slammed by 16 inches of snow. That's the sixth-largest storm in the capital's history. A Washington suburb reported snow that was 25 inches deep. States of emergency were declared for West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Thankfully we weren't dealing with that this year! Have a great day!

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