There were very chilly temperatures today to our northwest and we will start to see those cold temperatures tonight, however not only are we witnessing cold temperatures, it is quite breezy. Today in Salisbury we saw sustained winds up to 30 mph and wind gust up to 40 mph, but to our west, people may not have wanted to leave there homes in some areas. Chicago saw temperatures throughout the day around 0 degrees, making it as low as -2 degrees, with winds above 20 mph. A temperatures of 0 with winds at 20 mph makes it feel like -22 degrees! Winds can make conditions very dangerous when it is already cold. At a wind chill of -18 degrees it only takes 30 minutes to get frostbite. Once those wind chills hit -32 degrees you can experience frost bit in only 10 minutes and in 5 minutes with a wind chill of -48 degrees.
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