Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February Weather Holidays

Groundhog’s Day:
As everyone knows, Groundhog’s Day was this past Saturday. A lot of our Weather Watchers called in commenting on how warm the weather has been compared to Phil’s forecast for “six more weeks of winter.” I decided to do some digging into the accuracy of Phil’s forecast. quotes the National Climatic Data Center, saying that Phil is only 39% accurate. Just something to think about before you give up on that early spring!

Weatherperson’s Day:
February 5th was National Weatherperson’s Day and yes, it is a real holiday! While we do not know who created Weatherperson’s Day or when it began, we do know the holiday is in honor of John Jeffries, born Feb. 5, 1744. Jeffries was one of the first weathermen in America.

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