Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Being Prepared!

Several weeks into hurricane season and the Atlantic seems to be quiet for now, but you and your family should always be prepared in case of emergencies! Knowing the difference between watches and warnings, help make decisions of what you and your family should do in case of a hurricane situation. A hurricane watch, should trigger your families hurricane disaster plan and protective measures should be initiated. A hurricane watch is issued for areas that could possible experience hurricane conditions within 36 hours. Now, if the National Weather Service issues a hurricane warning this mean that sustained winds of at least 74 mph are expected within 24 hours. Once this warning is issued your family should take immediate action and travel to safety.
Even before watches and warnings come into effect, it is important to talk with your family and loved ones about possible plans in case of emergencies, make an evacuation plan, have a disaster kit, and have a check list before you leave your home. First thing is first, having an evacuation plan is important with this plan you should have a map and phone numbers of family or friends you plan to evacuate to or have a list of phone numbers to hotels in several different locations that maybe far enough out of the hurricanes path. Next, have a disaster supply kit ready, this should include several important items listed below:
-Water (at least 1 gallon daily per person for 3 days)
-Food (enough for 3 days worth include non-perishable packaged or canned foods)
-First Aid Kit
-Radio (Batteries)
-Clothing (rain gear, rain shoes)
-Important Documents
- Set of tools
A check list is another great item to have ready in case of an emergency, this list should include getting your evacuation plan in the car, along with your disaster supply kit, and secure your home. When you secure your home try and make it disaster resistant by boarding up windows securing valuables, and turn off your gas. Also, another great way to protect your house well in advance, is to talk with your homeowners insurance to make sure it covers flood damage.
Being prepared ahead of time is key in emergency situations, less time you spend getting ready to leave in an evacuation the faster you can get to safety! And always remember that its great to have a radio, weather radio, cell phone and laptop computer handy to keep you and your family updated on the storm!

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