First I am going to start with a few pictures sent in from one of our Weather Watchers, Hunter Outten from Frankford, Del. These pictures were some of the thunderstorms that rolled across Delmarva this past Monday.
This first pictures looks like a shelf cloud associated with the thunderstorm. A shelf cloud is typically found of the leading edge of a thunderstorm. Unlike a roll cloud, which is completely detached from the parent cloud (if you go back to April's blog you will find an example of a roll cloud,) a shelf cloud is attached to it's parent cloud, in this case the thunderstorm. If you haven't guessed already, a shelf cloud gets its name because it looks like a shelf in the sky.

Hunter said the next picture was taken as the storm was moving away. It is a pretty cool picture of the thunderstorm.

From what I can tell in the following picture, it looks like Hunter captured a picture of mammatocumulus (have fun pronouncing that one!) According to, mammatocumulus stands for "bumpy clouds." I tried to add an arrow to part of the picture where I thought you could best see the "bump."

Talk about different types of weather. The pictures above were all from thunderstorms associated with a cold front that stalled out over us, producing a few nights with some nasty weather. The following day, Tuesday, Steve Oppel who works in Master Control here at WMDT, sent the following picture in. I think this is a great picture. It's amazing how you can having menacing clouds as in Hunters pictures above and then pleasant clouds like in the picture below.

Thanks for all of the pictures!! I am always looking for new pictures to place on the blog and on-air during the weathercasts. May it be a storm picture, or just a picture of a nice summer day, please send them in to
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