Sunday, April 20, 2008

Water spout visits Bethany Beach

Lots of exciting weather today, so far there have been 6 tornado reports, two in North Carolina, two in King William County, Va., one in Charles County, Md. and one in Prince Georges County, Md. Here in Delmarva, Chris Givens actually spotted a water spout between 1-1:30 p.m. He said he was working at the Chalkboard Tavern and Grille in Bethany Beach. He sent the two photographs in below. I am jealous I wasn't there to see this!

Our weather watcher Hunter Outten of Frankford, Del. captured some pretty amazing pictures of the storms. Those photographs are below:


WeatherMatrix said...

We are having a conversation over at on whether or not this was actually a waterspout.

Watercooler Weather said...

Yeah, after seeing those additional pics I think it was just a roll cloud that eventually went more vertical. Also, Chris Givens in Bethany Beach, DE took the pic that you posted origianlly in your post. He sent them into us Sunday night an we showed it on our news.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant!!! This time of year my Water cooler! is turning into an avalance. I'm certainly going to take your idea and run with it. Thank you.

Water Cooler