Monday, March 10, 2008

Seasonal Week Ahead

I have to start off saying that it was nice seeing it light outside again after the 6PM newscast since we are now in daylight savings. The one bad thing about daylight savings for a meteorologist, is that the model data now comes out an hour later, because the model runs remain on standard time.

As both Ashley and Kira mentioned, things are now quiet weather wise. Seasonal conditions look to be the rule so far for this week. The jet stream is taking on a bit of a more zonal flow, which means it is a flatter fast moving West to East. Zonal flows bring quieter conditions and near seasonal temperatures with weak disturbances. A few weak disturbances will pass through the area this week. The first one comes through tonight with a chance of a few light rain showers. The next one passes by on Wednesday providing just some clouds especially in the AM. Another comes through Friday night bringing a chance of light rian showers overnight Friday. Then another comes through Saturday night bring a chance of rain overnight Saturday. Temperatures remain in the 50's this week for highs with low in the 30's and 40's. The average high this time of year is 54 with a low of 34.

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