Thursday, March 13, 2008

1 week until Spring!!

From the Blizzard of 1993 (talked about below) to the quiet and beautiful day we're seeing's amazing these events occurred in the same month. Even though Spring doesn't officially start until next Thursday, it sure feels like Spring today. Mostly sunny skies will continue for the rest of the afternoon helping to bump those highs to the mid 50's! Get outside and enjoy it!! Clouds and even a chance for some scattered showers roll into the picture for Friday and Saturday.

I want to give a big shout out to Blades Elementary in Seaford, DE. Ashley and I went and talked about weather to all the first graders yesterday. We had a great time! The kids were very attentive, had lots of questions, and were extremely fun!! The class had recently finished their weather unit, so they were well versed on the topic of weather. Ashley and I fielded lots of questions about clouds, rain/snow, hurricanes, tornadoes, and even what we like to wear! Thanks again to everyone at Blades for the invitation and the kids for being so great!

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