It's April 22, 2008; EARTH DAY!!! 3 words should come to mind; Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! We're blessed with so much on this planet, but we need to do our part and preserve what we have. Here's a few Earth Day tidbits for you to ponder...
- The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970. 20 million people attended. Now over 500 million celebrate. It's a day to promote awareness about cleaning the air, promoting land conservation, and improving water quality.
Along with seven major cities across the country, Washington, DC will be rocking out today to celebrate Earth Day with acts, such as Jordin Sparks, The Roots, and O.A.R. Other speakers include Edward Norton, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and many more.
- Americans generated 251 million tons of trash in 2006! That's 4.6 pounds per person per day! Here's a crazy stat for you...An average American eats his or her weight in bread about every 3 years. That's 87,520 slices of bread for a 1 US person's average lifetime. Thanks to the Human Footprint project by the National Geographic Channel for that stat. Check out the show Human Footprint online; it's awesome! http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/human-footprint/
- Where does our trash go? 55% gets buried in landfills, only 33% gets recycled, and 12.5% goes to incinerators. Stop and think what happens to your stuff *before* you throw it in the garbage. For instance, ink cartridges take 450 years to decompose. Recycle old ones & buy refilled ones. They cost 75% less and work just as well! Thanks to http://www.idealbite.com for that tip.
- Do you like soda, pop, soda-pop, or whatever you call it? One US person' drinks about 43,471 cans in his/her lifetime. That stretches 3.42 miles or 50 football field back to back to back and so on...Before you throw it in the trash instead of recycling it, think about this...It takes 95% less energy to make a can from recycled aluminum than from scratch. Yearly, Americans recycle enough cans to power 1,118,000 homes. Thanks again to the Human Footprint.
- Americans love taking showers! A US person takes an average of 28,433 showers in his/her lifetime. Ready for the shocking part? That equals running the water nonstop for 98 days!! - Human Footprint
Good Websites to check out:
1. Head here to find out where you can recycle your cell phone.
2. http://www.epa.gov/earthday/
3. Http://ww2.earthday.net/